Promoter of the ND4E Petition to the European Parliament:
A European Special Plan for Sustainable Development and Employment
On Tuesday October 11, 2016, the ND4E Italian Committee met in Rome, at the CGIL premises. Representatives of CGIL, UIL, CIME, ANCI, CESI, GFE, MFE-Rome were present, while ARCI, ACLI, AICCRE, Legambiente justified their absence.
Informations aux membres et soutiens en France de la Campagne "New Deal 4 Europe Pour un Plan européen de développement durable et de création d’emplois"
Jean-Francis Billion
Jean-Luc Prevel
Coordinateurs du Comité français ND4E
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
nous sommes heureux de vous apporter ci-dessous de bonnes et importantes nouvelles sur le développement de la Campagne ND4E par le biais d’une Pétition auprès du Parlement européen.
ND4E Petition has been declared admissible and will be discussed by the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament next 20 June, 2016.
On April 20 the Petition New Deal 4 Europe (ND4E) has been declared admissible by the Commitee on Petitions of the European Parliament (EP) and has been sent to the European Commission, which shall give its opinion within next weeks. The Petition will be put on the agenda of the Committee on Petitions, that will open a discussion on it in the presence of MEPs belonging to other Committees, the European Commission and the petition promoters, next 20 June in Bruxelles at the European Parliament.
The impulse provided by Jo Leinen (MEP for the S&D, President of the European Movement International and former President of the EP Constitutional Affairs Committee) has been successful. But this success is mainly due to the large international lineup composed of trade unions, civil society movements, personalities of the political and cultural world and MEPs which the ND4E European Committee has put together.
The imminent conclusion of the work of the Commission on European budget own resources, chaired by Mario Monti, and the review of the Multi-annual Financial Framework scheduled for the end of the year, are opportunities that can allow us to intervene and have an influence on the decisions that are now on the political agenda.
Press release
New Deal for Europe at the European Parliament: Own Resources for the EU
Brussels, Rue Wiertz 60, European Parliament
Altiero Spinelli Building, Room A3H-1
Tuesday 15 March 12:30-14:30
Tomorrow, Tuesday 15 March at 12:30, at the European Parliament building in Brussels, the European citizens, represented by many civil society organizations from all over Europe (with a majority of Italians, Frenchmen, Spaniards, Germans, Belgians and Czechs) will present to the European Parliament the Petition New Deal 4 Europe, which asks the EP to provide for more European budgetary resources for sustainable development, employment and security.
Presentation of the ND4E Petition at the European Parliament on March 15, 2016
Brussels, Rue Wiertz 60, European Parliament
Altiero Spinelli Building, room A3H-1
Tuesday 15 March 12:30-14:30
The program:
12:30 Jo Leinen, MEP and President of the European Movement International
Welcome Address and Chairmanship of the Meeting
12:35 Gianni Pittella, President of the Socialists&Democrats Group in the European Parliament
Opening Speech
12:45 Lucio Levi, First Signatory of the ND4E Petition
Presentation of the Petition ND4E
by Lucio Levi
The Juncker Plan represents the most significant achievement of the campaign New Deal for Europe (ND4E) begun with a European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) in 2014. After seven years of austerity policies, the President of the European Commission has finally declared that growth and the creation of new jobs (the objectives underlying the political proposal of ND4E) are his priorities, specifying that there is hurry and he seems to link the fate of his mandate to the success of his investment plan, because he is convinced that it can provide the answer to what citizens demand. We are those who coined the slogan ND4E which is now on everyone's lips, from Tsipras to Renzi and Ségol, and Juncker himself has used it.
The members of the Belgian committee are:
Email of the Belgian Committee This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">
Calendar of Events in Belgium
See this calendar to know the date and location of upcoming events where our initiative will be discussed
Coordinator: Jean-Francis Billion, Deputy: Jean-Luc Prevel
- Organisations:
Action fédéraliste - «Socialisme et Liberté» (Maurice Braud), Association Puissance Europe-Weltmacht Europa (Bernard Barthalay), Europe Ecologie Les Verts Saône-et-Loire - 71 (Carole Bonin et Mourad Laoues), Alternatives européennes / European Alternatives (Elena Dalibot), Associazione Cristiana delle Lavoratori - ACLI France (Raffaele Fiore et Eggle Carpa), Europe Avenir (Jean-Paul Guth), Jeunes Européens France (Chloé Fabre), Jeunes Européens Lyon (Alexandre Lemonon), Mouvement Européen Pas de Calais (François Vié), Freedom Legality and rights in Europe (FLARE - Délégation en France), Mouvement Européen France (Dominika Rutkowska-Falorni), Presse Fédéraliste (Jean-Luc Prevel), Union des Fédéralistes européens - France (Alain Réguillon), UEF 59 / 62 – UEF Rhône-Alpes (Jean-Francis Billion), UEF Nord Pas de Calais (Philippe Doucet)
- Individual members:
Michel Albert (Président d’honneur UEF France), Florent Banfi (ancien membre du Bureau de la JEF Europe), Michel Boerez (memdre du Conseil syndical Nord Pas de Calais CFDT), Ulrich Bohner (ancien Directeur du Conseil des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux du Conseil de l’Europe), Myriam Cau (Vice-présidente du Conseil régional Nord – Pas de Calais), Fabien Cazenace (ancien Directeur du Taurillon), Yves Clément (Membre du Conseil de la Confédération européenne des syndicats), Jacques Fayette (universitaire honoraire – Modem), Olivier Giscard d’Estaing (Président d’honneur de la Ligue européenne de coopération économique 6, Jean-Guy Giraud (ancien Directeur du Bureau du Parlement européen à Paris), Pauline Gessant (Présidente JEF Europe), Jean-PierrE Gouzy (ancien président de l’Association européenne des journaliste), Pierre Hémon (adjoint au Maire de Lyon – EELV), Michel Herland (économiste), Philippe Jusselme (Président LECE France), Michèle Lindeperg (ancienne parlementaire européenne – PS), Alain Malégarie (ancien Directeur de l’Institut de l’euro), Laurent Moccozet (Mouvement région Savoie), Paul Oriol (auteur de Résidents étrangers citoyens ! Plaidoyer pour une citoyenneté européenne de résidence), Jean-Marie Petitcollot (membre du Conseil syndical Force Ouvrière Action Sociale du Nord), Robert Toulemon (auteur de Aimer l’Europe), Catherine Vieilledent (membre du Bureau de l’UEF Europe), ...