Monica Frassoni supports the ECI New Deal 4 Europe

Ascanio Celestini firma l'ICE New Deal 4 Europe

Italian actor, film director, writer and playwright

Ascanio Celestini

Ascanio Celestini during the CGIL national demonstration (Rome, 25 October 204) signed the European Citizens Initiative "New Deal 4 Europe". Talking with young European federalists he said that he will help us to support our campaign. 

Ascanio Celestini durante la manifestazione nazionale della CGIL (Roma 25 ottobre 204) ha firmato l'iniziativa dei cittadini europei "New Deal 4 Europe".  Parlando con i giovani federalisti europei ha detto che ci aiuterà a far conoscere la campagna.

Baltazar Garzón joins New Deal 4 Europe ECI

Baltazar Garzon


Former judge Baltasar Garzón, known for his fight in favour of universal jurisdiction over crimes against Humanity and the issuance of an international arrest order on Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, Human Rigths lawyer and president of Fundación Internacional Baltasar Garzón (FIBGAR) joins the New Deal 4 Europe. Mr. Garzón is convinced that the protection of Human Rights is contingent, among other things, on a full realization of the Right to work, which is the final aim of the European Extraordinary Plan for Sustainable Development and Employment.

El antiguo juez Baltasar Garzón, conocido por haber impulsado la jurisdicción universal en materia de crímenes contra la Humanidad, cursando la petición de detener al dictador Augusto Pinochet cuando se encontraba en Londres, y actual abogado especialista en Derechos Humanos además de presidente de la Fundación Internacional Baltasar Garzón (FIBGAR) se adhiere a la Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea del New Deal 4 Europe, con el convencimiento de que la defensa de los derechos fundamentales incluye la realización efectiva del Derecho al Trabajo, que es lo que busca el plan extraordinario por el desarrollo sostenible y el empleo.


 Image source: Wikimedia Commons


Pedro Sánchez supports New Deal 4 Europe ECI

Pedro Sanchez

Pedro Sánchez, Ph. D. in Economics holder and MP, recently elected as Secretary General of the Spanish Worker´s Socialist Party (PSOE), supports New Deal 4 Europe. Pedro is the first leader ever elected in a primary election among party members in Spain. The top priority of his agenda is employment creation in Spain and Europe, and this is why he joins the European Citizenship Initiative for a European Extraordinary Plan for Sustainable Development and Employment.

Pedro Sánchez, diputado, doctor economista y recientemente elegido secretario general del Partido Socialista Obrero Español apoya el New Deal 4 Europe. Pedro es el primer líder del principal partido de la oposición en haber sido elegido mediante primarias de militantes. La principal prioridad de su agenda es la creación de empleo de calidad en España y en Europa, razón por la que presta su adhesión a la Iniciativa Ciudadana por el Plan Europeo Extraordinario por el Desarrollo Sostenible y el Empleo.


Image source: Wikimedia

Bruno Latour signed the ECI New Deal 4 Europe

Bruno Latour (Sciences Po - Paris), French philosopher, anthropologist and sociologist of science, signed the ECI New Deal 4 Europe.

Bruno Latour


In the last two decades Latour has been experimenting through arts and politics new way of addressing the ecological crisis of our planet or, as he puts it, of "facing Gaia".

He was in New York City on September 21 at the People'S Climate March, where people took to the streets to demand action to end the climate crisis. Latour was really glad to sign for New Deal 4 Europe, the European Citizens' Initiative that asks for a European special plan for sustainable development and employment through a financial transactions tax and a carbon tax. "It is the first time I sign a petition. But a European Citizens' Inititiative is much more than a petition. It is a concrete way to take action for ecological democracy", he said.

[New York. Picture taken by Emanuele Caminada, ECI German committee]

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