International Democracy Newsletter N. 1 - May 2018 |
Welcome to the first issue of the International Democracy Newsletter! |
by Nicola Vallinoto (*)
The International Democracy Newsletter is linked to The Federalist Debate review and it will keep you informed on the main actions promoted by the European and World federalists and on the initiatives promoted within the global civil society and international organizations. We aspire to make visible the links that exist between them as parts of a single major political project for the strengthening and democratization of international organizations. A first step towards a democratic government of the world taking charge of the citizens, capable of launching a socially and ecologically sustainable development project globally. A project that pursues the maximum participation of citizens at the levels at which decisions are taken (from local to global).
We aim to "Think global, act glocal", think globally and act at both local and global level. The newsletter will show two sections called "Think" and "Act". The former section (Think) will report the articles published in the latest issue of The Federalist Debate. The latter section (Act) will report news on campaigns and actions/events aimed at strengthening international democracy.
We have taken the liberty of signing you up for this newsletter because you are either a Federalist Debate subscribed reader, part of the ND4E mailing list or an international democracy activist and scholar. Just like The Federalist Debate, the International Democracy Newsletter will get to you every four months. But if you don’t wish to receive it, it’s easy to unsubscribe at any time using the link in the footer of every issue. Each newsletter will also be posted on The International Democracy Watch website.
We hope you like it and we thank you for your attention!
We always welcome This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and please share with interested colleagues and friends.
(*) editor of the International Democracy Newsletter
Introduction to international democracy |
by Lucio Levi (*)
At world level there is a widening gap between the states, whose power remains substantially confined within national borders, on the one hand, and . market and civil society, which have acquired a global dimension, on the other. The latter have become global while politics remain national. This contradiction has a heavy impact on democracy.The problem can be summarised by the fact that, as George Monbiot points out, ‘in our age everything has been globalised except our consent. Democracy alone has been confined in the nation state. It stands at the national borders, suitcase in hand, without a passport’ (Monbiot 2003). Under these circumstances many authors ask themselves how long can democracy survive in a world in which citizens are excluded from decision-making on the future of mankind. Democracy is destined to decline, unless it becomes international. Globalisation must be democratised before it destroys democracy (1).
(1) The Democratization of International Institutions: First International Democracy Report. Levi L., Finizio G., Vallinoto N. (eds). London-New York, Routledge, 2014.
(*) editor of The Federalist Debate
Papers on Federalism in Europe and the world
Year XXXI, Number 1, March 2018
A Carbon Tax for a Brighter Future, Alberto Majocchi and Antonio Padoa-Schioppa
A Carbon Tax for a Brighter Future |
by Alberto Majocchi and Antonio Padoa Schioppa
Emmanuel Macron’s victory has opened unexpected prospects for the European Union. These were made plain by an impressive number of innovative proposals given in his speech at the Sorbonne University on September 27th, 2018.
United Nations Reform |
by Andrea Cofelice
With the publication of An Agenda for Peace (1992), An Agenda for Development (1994) and An Agenda for Democratisation (1996), the then-UN Secretary General Boutros-Ghali launched an ambitious program to reform the United Nations, in order to strengthen, democratise and adapt the Organisation’s structure and working methods to the changed international context
SDR, the International Currency for the European Development Plan with Africa |
by Robert Triffin International
This summer a consensus was reached on a mix of policies that can effectively address the emergencies looming over the Mediterranean, turning them into opportunities. In Europe, foreign and security policy, the development plan with Africa and immigration are increasingly acknowledged as being interconnected
International Monetary System Reform |
by Antonio Mosconi
The wars in western Asia and the financial crisis of 2007-2008 marked the end of the American aspiration to world supremacy. Global common goods, such as security, monetary and financial stability, are no longer guaranteed by the United States. The possibility of cooperation between large regional areas paves the way to the establishment of a new world order.
We Are Building the Europe of Defence |
by Federica Mogherini
I am really glad to be here with you again, because I think this is the third time I open the Annual Conference of the [European Defence] Agency; and, to do this, this year, in probably the most important moment for European defence in decades. Exactly ten days ago, I received the letter notifying that 23 Member States are ready to embark on a Permanent Structured Cooperation on defence.
A United Nations Parliamentary Assembly UNPA |
by Andreas Bummel and Nicola Vallinoto
More and more issues have a global dimension that requires global cooperation. At the UN and other international fora, governments come together to negotiate and decide on policies that have a global impact. The bodies of the UN and international organizations are occupied by officials who are appointed by the executive branches of national governments.
The Teaching of Altiero Spinelli |
by Paolo Ponzano
In a historical moment in which the project of European integration risks its disintegration or a substantial deadlock, and in which the disaffection of European citizens towards this project has reached the highest peak in recent years, recalling the teachings of one of the fathers founders of the European project constitutes not only a dutiful homage to the genius of his thought, but also and above all an invitation to his followers to resume the political action undertaken by Altiero Spinelli to achieve the goal of a federal Europe.
The Responsibility to Protect and Prevention of Mass Atrocities |
by Jelena Pia-Comella and Brittany Roser
The principle of the "responsibility to protect" (RtoP) was first enunciated in the Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS), set up by the Canadian Government in December 2001. When a State fails to protect its people from genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, the responsibility shifts to the international community that is entitled to act through the UN Security Council.
EU Budget and “European Added Value” |
by Flavio Brugnoli
Two core issues in the campaign that will lead us to the European election in 2019 will probably be the EU budget and the introduction of additional “own resources” for the Eurozone. The European Commission’s President, Jean-Claude Juncker, in his State of the Union Address 2017, has underlined that “We do not need a budget for the Euro area but a strong Euro area budget line within the EU budget”.
Governing and Democratizing Globalization a Plan for the WTO’s Reform |
by Lucio Levi
The globalisation process has eroded state sovereignty, producing a contradiction between market and civil society dynamics (that tend to become global) and resistance from nation-states (that remain national). In other words, markets have gained the upper hand over politics. Two opposing projects are confronting with each other in the challenge to govern globalisation
The Crisis of European Social-Democracies and the Challenges of Globalization |
by Giampiero Bordino
The electoral and political decline of European social-democracies in recent decades, in the context of the global economic and financial crisis that began in 2008 and of the globalization process, is now a recognized empirical evidence. As The Economist wrote..
Status of Ratification of the Rome Statute Including the Crime of Aggression |
by Jelena Pia-Comella
The International Criminal Court (ICC) was established by the Rome Statute on July 17, 1998 and entered into force on April 11, 2002. It is a universal and permanent tribunal which tries individuals, not states, for genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and aggression.
Let’s Give Planetary Patriotism a Try |
by Tad Daley
America first. Russia first. China first. The United States of America puts American interests first. Just as every other nation in the world puts its own interests first. President Donald Trump was right about that in his first speech before the United Nations, on Sept. 19. Few world leaders have so nakedly expressed the essence of the Westphalian state system, established by treaty in 1648, and under which every human being dwells today
The Role of Businesses in Reducing Pollution and Mitigating Climate Change – The Global Environmental Management Initiative |
by Lorenzo Spiller
Businesses and multinationals indeed play a crucial role in setting out standards and best practices to be implemented at a global scale in relation to pollution reduction and climate change mitigation.
Taking Stock of the Progress Towards Pollution Reduction - the Talanoa Dialogue |
by Lorenzo Spiller
Since pollution cannot be stopped at state borders, abad pollution management policy in Latvia may potentially affect environment and ecosystems in the UK, Poland and Sweden. This is the main reason why global citizens and international organisations have to obeythe imperative to come together and urge local, regional and national governments to act..
The European Environment Agency - Framework for International Engagement |
by Roberto Palea and Lorenzo Spiller
The European Environment Agency (EEA), the EU agency tasked with providing information on the environment and coordinating national environmental bodies, recently published a “framework for international engagement”, a procedural document aimed at setting out and clarifying means and objectives of the EEA international activities
Latin American and Caribbean Criminal Court |
by Camila López Badra
It has been more than five years since the Argentine NGO "Democracia Global" started the campaign to create a Latin American and Carribean Criminal Court Against Transnational Organized Crime (COPLA, for its acronym in Spanish). Thanks to the restless endeavor of the NGO, this campaign now has over 3000 signatures
Campaign to Second Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution |
By Klaus Schlichtmann
In autumn 2017 three Japanese, Dr. Mikihiko Ohmori, Mr. Kazutoshi Abe, a professor of French, Mr. Toshi Uehara, and me, Klaus Schlichtmann, as advisor and liaison, started the.” Peace Constitutions have a crucial role to play in establishing a genuine System of Collective Security.
New Deal for Europe: A European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) and Petition |
by Grazia Borgna
A Special European Plan for Sustainable Development and Employment financed by additional own resources of the EU budget coming from taxes on financial transactions (FTT), CO2 emissions (Carbon-Tax) and a loan in Euro Project bonds, in order to create new jobs (especially for youths) in the strategic sectors of the green economy, the safeguard of Europe's natural..
We Are a Welcoming Europe, European Citizens' Initiative |
Governments are struggling to handle migration. Most of us want to help people in need because we care. Millions have stood up to help. Now we want to be heard. Let’s reclaim a Welcoming Europe! We call upon the European Commission to act: 1. Citizens across Europe want to sponsor refugees to offer them a safe home and a new life. We want the Commission to offer direct support to local groups that help refugees who are granted national visas.
Forty-four Countries Sign Historic African Union Free Trade Agreement, Kigali Rwanda, 18-20 March 2018 |
Forty-four African countries have signed up to a historic trade agreement aimed at paving the way for a liberalized market for goods and services across the continent. The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), an agreement cast in the mold of the European Union’s version was signed during the 10th Ordinary Session of African Union Heads of State summit held in Rwanda.
New Book on a World Parliament and World Governance Presented at the UN in New York |
by Andreas Bummel and Jo Leinen
The book describes the history, today’s relevance and future implementation of the idea of a democratically elected world parliament and explores how world governance may be improved. In the introduction the authors write that "we know that a world parliament and a world legal order cannot be realized from one day to the next. But we argue that it is high time to set this process in train by establishing a UN Parliamentary Assembly."
Ventotene International Seminar, September 2018 |
The “Altiero Spinelli” Institute for Federalist Studies has been organizing an international seminar on the island of Ventotene for the past 35 years. This island off the Italian coast is the place where Altiero Spinelli, author of the Federalist Ventotene Manifesto, was imprisoned during the Second World War.
Sharing Europe, 24-25 May, The Hague |
The Hague Congress or the Congress of Europe is seen as a foundational moment in the process that led to the creation of the European Union. The Congresswas held in The Hague from 7–11 May 1948 with 750 delegates participating from around Europe as well as observers from Canada and the United States
European New Deal Campaign |
DiEM25 is proposing policies that can be implemented tomorrow morning, by recalibrating existing institutions without the need for bilateral/multilateral agreements or EU Treaty changes. Examples include: The new public digital payments platform that ends the monopoly of banks over Europe’s payments.
European Citizens' Initiative - Open Initiatives |
This list covers the initiatives currently open for collection of statements of support and those for which the collection is closed but for which the Commission does not yet have any information about whether the organisers managed or failed to collect the required
Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy Rome 26-29 September 2018 |
The forum is a free, public event bringing together scholars, journalists, local officials, election administrators, and engaged citizens who are interested in direct and participatory democracy. This year’s forum takes place September 26-29, 2018 in Rome, Italy.
Civil Society Days 2018 Brussels, 24-25 May 2018 |
Citizenship, Democracy & Culture in a digitalised Europe. The CivSocDays 2018 will address the digital world as a dimension which has permeated our everyday working and living environment, started to define the way that society as a whole operates and is living together, and will affect and shape our future.
SPONSORS: Centro Einstein di Studi Internazionali (CESI), Centro Studi sul Federalismo (CSF), Union of European Federalist (UEF), World Federalist Movement (WFM).
EDITORIAL BOARD: editor Nicola Vallinoto (TFD), coeditor Andrea Cofelice (CSF), graphic Pietro Massafra (CESI), consultant Lionello Casalegno (TFD), editor TFD Lucio Levi.
GLOBAL LEVEL: UN Reform: Shahriar Sharei, Andrea Cofelice; International Monetary System Reform: Antonio Mosconi; Universal Ratification of the ICC Statute: Jelena Pia-Comella; Responsibility to Protect: Brittany Roser; UNPA: Andreas Bummel, Nicola Vallinoto; WTO Reform: Lucio Levi; UN World Environment Agency: Roberto Palea, Lorenzo Spiller.
REGIONAL LEVELS: EUROPE. New Deal 4 Europe: Grazia Borgna, Paolo Ponzano; Eea: Lorenzo Spiller; SOUTH AMERICA. COPLA: Camila Lopez, Fernando Iglesias; ASIA AND MIDDLE-EAST. James Arputharaj; Article 9 Campaign: Klaus Schlichtmann.
International Democracy Newsletter
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